Define your Customer Avatar Before Expecting Results from Marketing

Akansha Dalmia
4 min readMar 26, 2021

Marketing is all about understanding who is your ideal customer and finding the perfect target audience. Today, many brands are successful because they know who they want to sell their products/services. Hence, their brand strategies are built accordingly.

Apple always targeted high-end customers who can afford premium products. Thus, making it the most successful brand in the world. While defining their ideal customer, they knew they would miss out on a significant chunk of the population as they couldn’t afford Apple products. Did they lose or win?

Many brands have a fear of missing out and randomly target everyone in the market. It is just like a headless chicken running around. You sure don’t want to be that. So spend time defining your customer avatar. Ever heard of this?

Customers are always different yet similar

Read on…

Marketing is all about understanding who is your ideal customer and finding the perfect target audience. Today, many brands are successful because they know who they want to sell their products/services. Hence, their brand strategies are built accordingly.

Apple always targeted high-end customers who can afford premium products. Thus, making it the most successful brand in the world. While defining their ideal customer, they knew they would miss out on a significant chunk of the population as they couldn’t afford Apple products. Did they lose or win?

Many brands have a fear of missing out and randomly target everyone in the market. It is just like a headless chicken running around. You sure don’t want to be that. So spend time defining your customer avatar. Ever heard of this?

Areas where a customer avatar can be helpful

I have understood that a customer avatar can play a significant role in all your marketing strategies. . Once you know what solution you are providing in the market, you can deliver content and the right message accordingly. After all, marketing is about conveying your brand in the right message. Needless to say that knowing your customer persona can be extremely helpful in building a robust marketing strategy for your:

  1. Email Marketing
  2. Paid Advertising
  3. Content Marketing and also,
  4. Enhanced Customer Experience
Once your customer avatar is ready, your marketing campaigns will shoot high

If you are still not clear, understand one thing from Apple that if it didn’t know it had to target premium customers, all the product, its accessories, the marketing campaign wouldn’t be of supreme quality. Hence, their logo, products, videos, product launches, Press releases, and other marketing campaigns wouldn’t be lucrative as it is now for the premium audience.

People who belong to the high-class wait to hear from Apple. While others are not-so-interested in the brand, and so is the brand!

How to Create your Customer Avatar?

This is the most important thing any business must do, irrespective of the time and effort it takes. You can build your customer profile by surveying multiple questions, which will help you understand their lifestyle, mindset, pain, and problems. This process will help you conclude your company’s unique selling point and how you can solve a customer problem.

If you are an established firm, you already know what niche you want to be in. However, if you start a new business, decide what niche you want to work in.

  1. Conduct Market Research:

Conducting market research is one of the best ways to determine your customer profile. You can conduct interviews, polls, and surveys with your ideal customers and get the desired information that can be fruitful in your marketing campaigns.

Remember, one of the best ways to find your customer avatar is to contact your competitors’ customers or your old customers! They will help you understand why did they buy the product/service from you or your competitors.

While researching customer avatars, keep in mind that it’s all about them and not about you!

2. Develop your Survey

Initially, I struggled for days to build a survey — I didn’t know what questions to ask my customers or competitors’ customers. While speaking to Hemanth Vyas and Harsh Sarogi from Digital Ornix, I understood that imaging an imaginary customer we want in our client base is the best way to do.

The second step would be to get as much information as possible related to my business, i.e., digital marketing for interiors & architectures.

And with this, I came up with an array of questions like:

  1. How they generate leads from their business currently?
  2. Have they tried digital marketing?
  3. Which aspect of digital marketing worked the best for them?
  4. What don’t they like about digital marketing?
  5. Have they been created in this industry?

These questions helped me understand the pain of my ideal customers and how my brand can help them.

Apart from the above 5, I also included demographic questions like:

  1. Age
  2. Gender
  3. Experience in industry
  4. Location
  5. Pass time
  6. Clubbing activities
  7. Personality traits

It is also essential to get details about their gadgets, interest, hobbies, which entrepreneur or gurus they follow.

RoadMap to Success

Keep repeating this process frequently so that you can improve your customer avatar. Make sure that whatever your services are, it stands out in public.

Defining Customer Avatar = Climbing First Stair of Success

Another secret marketing success from customer avatar is that you will be able to position yourself in the market. This is because you will know your customer’s pain points, and you can solve them through your unique selling points. You can position your brand in a way that customer comes to you!

